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Jenkins parallel conditional locks

29 Mar 2020

Reddit question

This blog post is a response to a question on reddit. I ran into the character limit of reddit while responding so I am converting it to a personal blog post to share the link.

Here’s a quote of the question:

Sure no problem

Our CI not only builds the product, the product docs and performs unit tests, it also performs functional tests. The test matrix is

  • k8s type: kubeadm, dockeree, openshift3
  • distro: centos or ubuntu
  • Storage backend: ontap fas, soldifire, eseries, cvs
  • Storage protocol: SAN and/or NAS

Most of the functional tests run in parallel and the test harness that runs them takes at least 30m and most times 1hr. I have a generic function that generates the test stage based on metadata in a array of maps.

Most of the tests use private onprem compute(think private cloud), or public cloud compute instances. Except for one use case that I’m adding, openshift4 which we are deploying onprem on baremetal KVM hosts using the ocp4_helpernode process

openshift4 is a big crazy config that takes a minimum of 5 machines most of which take 4xCore 16GB Ram and because we are using the ocp4_helpernode stuff all of them have to be on the same virtual network i.e. that same KVM host.

At any given time there may be one or more jenkins runs in progress that may or may not need to test openshift4. i.e. stages are dynamic and are selected by coverage tags. pre-merge, nightly etc in the metadata.

I only have so many KVM hosts and if a Jenkins run contains a stage that needs to use openshift4, it will need to wait until a hypervisor is free and then obtain the lock. When it receives the lock it will execute the entire stage.

That use case is only for one type of lock. What happens when I want to lock a hypervisor and a storage backend, I’m guessing I would have to do something like the following or have a resource name that implies two resources

lock(...) {
    lock(...) {
        Do something with both locks

I actually got the single lock scenario working but I was hoping for something that would let me consume the locks in an easier fashion. Something like

try {
} catch(Exception e) {
} finally {

Hope this makes things more clear

Thanks for expanding on your use case. I think this is the perfect case for you to use matrix building and conditional locks with a shared pipeline library step. I’ll try to expand on this in a sensible broken down fashion.


I assume you’re using Jenkins scripted pipeline. I also assume you have familiarity with most basic Jenkins pipeline concepts. If you need clarification please feel free to ask me followup questions.


Example matrix

The following is a setup similar to what you describe for matrix building.

Map matrix_axes = [
    k8s_type: ['kubeadm', 'dockeree', 'openshift3'],
    distro: ['centos', 'ubuntu'],
    storage_backend: ['ontap fas', 'soldifire', 'eseries', 'cvs'],
    storage_protocol: ['SAN', 'NAS']

List axes = getMatrixAxes(matrix_axes) { Map axis ->
    // do appropriate conditionals to ensure you only get the product
    // combinations you want

This will generate a list of axes which you can then matrix build across nodes in parallel as outline in the Jenkins matrix blog post.

Defining a conditional lock step

Let’s assume you want openshift3 to be the only thing which is lock limited.

Let’s define a shared pipeline conditional lock step based on taking an axis as input. In this step, we’ll need to support closures so that we can wrap code inside of the block.

Let’s name this step vars/matrixConditionalLock.groovy. Now for the source code.

// Recursive function that obtains multiple locks at once (or no locks)
def withLocks(List obtain_locks, Closure body) {
    if(obtain_locks) {
        String lockName = obtain_locks.pop()
        lock(lockName) {
            withLocks(obtain_locks, body)
    else {

def call(Map matrix_axis, Closure body) {
    List obtain_locks = []
    if(matrix_axis['k8s_type'] == 'openshift3') {
        obtain_locks << 'openshift3-lock'
    if(matrix_axis['storage_backend'] == 'eseries') {
        obtain_locks << 'eseries-lock'
    // Execute the closure only if all locks have been obtained.  If no locks
    // are requested, then it will execute right away.
    withLocks(obtain_locks, body)

What this does is obtain a lock only if the k8s_type is openshift3 or if the storage_backend is eseries. What makes this so powerful is you can add as many lock types as you want. By using recursion you can create a dynamic obtaining a lock inside of another lock scenario you originallly described with the added benefit that it’s dynamic and can have many levels deep of locks.

Another benefit of this approach is if you have another k8s_type competing for the same storage_backend then the tests will race for the lock and each of the k8s_types will have to wait for the dependent storage backend to be free. This means the storage backend will only be available as long as the lock is free.

For the k8s_type openshift4 it is worth noting that locking on this will cause all openshift4 test variants to be forced into serial execution (each execution racing for the lock before executing.

Usage in parallel build

Based again on the Jenkins blog post let’s execute a parallel build utilizing the, now created, matrixConditionalLock custom step.

// assuming List axes is defined like above
Map tasks = [failFast: true]
for(int i = 0; i < axes.size(); i++) {
    // convert the Axis into valid values for withEnv step
    Map axis = axes[i]
    List axisEnv = axis.collect { k, v ->

    // define your nodeLabel however you want so that you can execute parallel
    // across Jenkins distributed infrastructure
    String nodeLabel = "k8s_type:${axis['k8s_type']} && distro:${axis['distro']}"

    // stage name is comma separate list of axis values
    String stageName = axisEnv.join(', ')

    // execute code only if conditional lock is obtained
    tasks[stageName] = { ->
        stage(stageName) {
            matrixConditionalLock(axis) {
                node(nodeLabel) {
                    checkout scm
                    withEnv(axisEnv) {
                        sh './scripts/'
stage("Matrix build") {

Please note that I obtain locks outside of the node step. You don’t want your build to hold precious Jenkins nodes while waiting for a lock.

The ./scripts/ can use bash conditionals to launch appropriate testing and harness scripts depending on the matrix axis being executed. The following bash environment variables are defined.

echo "${k8s_type}"
echo "${distro}"
echo "${storage_backend}"
echo "${storage_protocol}"


Scripted pipeline is extremely powerful. This solution uses a combination of programming concepts like recursion and Groovy DSL concepts like passing closures as method arguments. This is a little more deep than a typical Jenkins pipeline but hopefully it helps you gather what you need to do to accomplish your task at hand.

For additional background reading, see

  • Groovy recursion
  • Groovy closures
  • Groovy DSL (specifically how it enables DSLs)
  • Groovy Language Specification; by reading the full language specification (which is a short read) it will enable you to craft more advanced pipelines.
  • Jenkins Groovy CPS; Jenkins flavor of Groovy doesn’t quite support all native Groovy. Where you see me using strange logic like for loops (as opposed to Groovy built-in Collections methods), the root cause is usually due to limitations in Jenkins Groovy CPS. Jenkins provides a @NonCPS annotation for methods which need to run faster native Groovy but this how Jenkins handles Groovy is going to be a blog post I write on its own because it’s a significant topic.

This article was last updated Mar 29, 2020.

Posted in Engineering with tags: Git, Groovy, Jenkins, Programming, Reddit Response, Tips
