Technologies used during creation of the website
There are a few pieces of software I used to make this small/simple template. It works for a personal website well. All software used in the creation of this website is free/open source.
Aptana Studio. That was the environment that I programmed and formatted the code because it has autocompetion. Any packed (JSMin-like) JavaScript was done by Aptana from Scripts > Javascript > Compact. It is a competitor to Adobe Dreamweaver.
FireBug is an advanced web application debugger. I use it to test JavaScript commands and to debug errors on my website. It is a Firefox Add-on
Firefox 3.5 is the standards compliant browser I use for all of my debugging purposes.
FireFTP is an FTP client which supports SFTP and is built into Firefox as an Add-on. I use it to upload all content to my website.
The GIMP which was used for all the image and graphic creation. It is a competitor to Adobe Photoshop.
- is a resource I used often to help me learn The GIMP.
Google. A good search engine to help me find a solution to the problems I encounter.
Highslide JS is the backend to my dynamic image galleries. It can do more than just pop out images though.
Inkscape is a vector graphics program which I used to assist GIMP with my image and graphic creation. It is a competitor to Adobe Illustrator.
- is the secret behind all of the cool animations and page transitions for this website. I recently updated my code from mootools 1.11 to 1.2.3 (09-26-2009). I use mootools 1.2.3.
Notepad++ is an IDE I use when I don't feel like waiting for Aptana to load. I also use it for massivly manipulating documents using regular expression search and replacement.
XAMPP is a portable web server that I used to run on my home computer so I'm not wasting bandwidth and I can test my website how my viewers will see it.
W3C CSS Validator was used to make sure all my CSS code is standards compliant.
W3C HTML Validator was used to ensure all HTML code is standards compliant.
- a great resource for learning AJAX, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, XHTML, and XML which are all used in this website.
Language base behind my website:
- JavaScript + AJAX + MooTools
Want a website like mine? I've put together a template that the public can use for their own personal websites including the scrolling page transitions and everything!
Click here to download template (Updated as of 09/29/2009)