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apiFetch(URL, Map, String, String) - Method in SimpleRestService
apiFetch() can be used to submit HTTP commands common to REST APIs.
apiFetch(String, Map, String, String) - Method in SimpleRestServiceSupport
A method to simplify fetching from remote REST services.
AutoRelease - Class in net.gleske.jervis.tools
This utility class provides automatic release methods such as pattern matching and version bumping if given existing releases.


baseUrl() - Method in GitHub
baseUrl() - Method in GitHubGraphQL
A method which returns the base URL for the GitHub v4 GraphQL API.
baseUrl() - Method in SimpleRestServiceSupport
A method for getting the API URL which will be used by apiFetch(String).
branches(String) - Method in GitHub
Get a list of branches for a project.
branches(String) - Method in JervisRemote
Query a remote project for a list of branches.



decodeBase64Bytes(String) - Method in securityIO
Decode a base64 String into Bytes.
decodeBase64String(String) - Method in securityIO
Decode a base64 String.
DecryptException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of SecurityException which is thrown when a decryption issue occurs.
DecryptException(String) - Constructor in DecryptException
Throw an exception relaying why decrypting a string failed.
decryptSecrets() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Decrypts encrypted values stored in cipherlist.


encodeBase64(byte[]) - Method in securityIO
Encode raw Bytes into a base64 String.
EncryptException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of SecurityException which is thrown when an encryption issue occurs.
EncryptException(String) - Constructor in EncryptException
Throw an exception relaying why encrypting a string failed.


fetch(String) - Method in GitHub
Fetches a URL from GitHub API.


generateAll() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Generate the build script which would be used in the Jenkins step.
generateSection(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
A generic function to generate code for different sections of the build script.
generateToolchainSection() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Generate the toolchains shell script based on the Jervis YAML or taking defaults from the toolchains file.
GeneratorException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A group of exceptions that are thrown when undesireable script generation conditions occur.
GeneratorException(String) - Constructor in GeneratorException
Throw a GeneratorException.
getBranchRegexString() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Get the regular expression which is used for branch filtering.
getBuildableMatrixAxes() - Method in pipelineGenerator
Returns a list of maps which are buildable matrices in a matrix build.
getCloneUrl() - Method in GitHub
Get the contents of gh_clone.
getCloneUrl() - Method in JervisRemote
Repositories will be cloned from this base Git URI.
getFile(String, String, String) - Method in GitHub
Get the contents of a file from a project.
getFile(String, String, String) - Method in JervisRemote
Get the contents of a file in a remote git project for a given reference.
getFilteredBranchesList() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Get a list of static branch names which is used for branch filtering.
getFolderListing(String, String, String) - Method in GitHub
Get the directory listing of a path from a project.
getFolderListing(String, String, String) - Method in JervisRemote
Get list a file path in a project for the given reference.
getFullBranchRegexString(List) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Get the regular expression for all whitelisted branches.
getGh_token() - Method in GitHub
Retrieves the token used to authenticate with GitHub.
getGqlData(String, String) - Method in GitHubGraphQL
Transforms a GraphQL query and variables into data which can be submitted with a POST request.
getId_rsa_keysize() - Method in securityIO
Gets the id_rsa_keysize from the decoded private key.
getJenkinsfile() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Get the Jenkinsfile for a pipeline.
getJervisYamlFiles(String, List, List) - Method in GitHubGraphQL
Get Jervis YAML from a remote repository.
getLabels() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Returns a groovy expression which Jenkins would use to pin a job to specific nodes.
getMatrix_fullName_by_friendly() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
getNextRelease(String, List<String>, String, String) - Method in AutoRelease
Gets a bumped version with a more loosely formed format.
getNextSemanticRelease(String, List<String>, String) - Method in AutoRelease
Provides automatically getting the next version for semantic versioning.
getObjectValue(Map, String, Object) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Get an object from a Map or return any object from defaultValue.
getPublishable(String) - Method in pipelineGenerator
Get a publishable item from the list of publishable items.
getPublishableItems() - Method in pipelineGenerator
Get a list of publishable items which show up in .jervis.yml.
getScriptFromTemplate(String, Map) - Method in AutoRelease
This method is for applying variables to a groovy template.
getSecretPairsEnv() - Method in pipelineGenerator
Processes secret properties from .jervis.yml into two lists.
getStashMap(Map) - Method in pipelineGenerator
Returns a list of stashes from Jervis YAML to be stashed either serially or in this matrix axis for matrix builds.
getToken() - Method in GitHubGraphQL
Retrieves the token used to authenticate with GitHub.
getToken() - Method in ReadonlyTokenCredential
When implemented, this method should return a String that is a token to be used in API service authentication in Jervis remotes.
getToken() - Method in TokenCredential
When implemented, this method should return a String that is a token to be used in API service authentication in Jervis remotes.
getWebUrl() - Method in GitHub
Get the contents of gh_web.
getWebUrl() - Method in JervisRemote
A web interface to browse repository code.
GitHub - Class in net.gleske.jervis.remotes
A simple class to interact with the GitHub v3 API for only the parts I need.
GitHubGraphQL - Class in net.gleske.jervis.remotes
A simple class to interact with the GitHub v4 GraphQL API.


hasRegexFilter() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
This method makes it easy to detect if regular expressions are defined for branch filtering.
header(Map) - Method in GitHub
header(Map) - Method in GitHubGraphQL
A method which sets authentication headers.
header(Map) - Method in SimpleRestServiceSupport
A method for getting authentication headers and other default headers used by apiFetch(String).


id_rsa_keysize - Field in securityIO
Shortcut to getting the key size of key_pair.
isFilteredByRegex(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Detect if this branch is already covered by a regex filter.
isFriendlyLabel(String) - Method in toolchainValidator
Can a toolchain be used with a friendly label when Jenkins matrix axes are used?
isGenerateBranch(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Is this a branch which will generate a job?
isInstanceFromList(Object, List<Class>) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Check if an object is an instance of any of the classes in a list.
isMatched(String, String) - Method in AutoRelease
Matches a string against an expression.
isMatrixBuild() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
This will check if the loaded YAML is a matrix build.
isPipelineJob() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Determine if this instance is compatible with pipeline multibranch jobs.
isRestricted(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Given a project combination of org/project determine if a project is allowed to be generated for a platform combination.
isSecureField(def) - Method in securityIO
Checks to see if a field in the Jervis YAML is a secure field.
isSupportedPlatform() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Checks if a job that is using a platform and toolchain which is supported in the loaded platforms file.
isUser(String) - Method in GitHub
Check with the GitHub API and determine if the passed in user is a User or an Organization.


JervisCredential - Interface in net.gleske.jervis.remotes.interfaces
Provides a way to call an external credential store in case there's an alternate means of storing and retrieving credentials.
JervisException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
The base exception class for Jervis from which all other exceptions derive.
JervisException(String) - Constructor in JervisException
Throw a JervisException.
JervisRemote - Interface in net.gleske.jervis.remotes.interfaces
Provides a minimum standard interface a Jervis remote requires.


key_pair - Field in securityIO
A decoded RSA key pair used for encryption and decryption.
KeyPairDecodeException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of SecurityException which is thrown when an issue with generating key pairs occurs.
KeyPairDecodeException(String) - Constructor in KeyPairDecodeException
Throw an exception relaying why decoding a string possibly containing a PEM encoded X.509 private key failed.


LifecycleBadValueInKeyException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of LifecycleValidationException which is thrown when there is a bad value in a lifecycles file key.
LifecycleBadValueInKeyException(String) - Constructor in LifecycleBadValueInKeyException
Throw an exception for a bad value in a key.
lifecycleGenerator - Class in net.gleske.jervis.lang
Generates the build scripts from the Jervis YAML.
LifecycleInfiniteLoopException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of LifecycleValidationException which is thrown when a lifecycles file keys reference in an infinite loop.
LifecycleInfiniteLoopException(String) - Constructor in LifecycleInfiniteLoopException
Throw an exception when lifecycle keys reference in an infinite loop.
LifecycleMissingKeyException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of LifecycleValidationException which is thrown when a lifecycles file key is referenced but missing.
LifecycleMissingKeyException(String) - Constructor in LifecycleMissingKeyException
Throw an exception when lifecycles file key is referenced but missing.
LIFECYCLES_SPEC - Field in WikiPages
A static reference to the lifecycles file spec wiki page.
LifecycleValidationException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A group of exceptions that are thrown when validation errors occur in the lifecycles file.
LifecycleValidationException(String) - Constructor in LifecycleValidationException
Throw a LifecycleValidationException.
lifecycleValidator - Class in net.gleske.jervis.lang
Validates the contents of a lifecycle file and provides quick access to supported languages.
load_JSON(String) - Method in lifecycleValidator
Load the JSON of a lifecycles file and parse it.
load_JSON(String) - Method in platformValidator
Load the JSON of a platforms file and parse it.
load_JSON(String) - Method in toolchainValidator
Load the JSON of a toolchains file and parse it.
load_JSONString(String) - Method in lifecycleValidator
Parse the JSON which is the contents of a lifecycles file.
load_JSONString(String) - Method in platformValidator
Parse the JSON which is the contents of a platforms file.
load_JSONString(String) - Method in toolchainValidator
Parse the JSON which is the contents of a toolchains file.
loadLifecycles(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Load a lifecycles file so that default scripts can be generated.
loadLifecyclesString(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Load a lifecycles JSON String so that default scripts can be generated.
loadPlatforms(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Load a platforms file so that advanced labels can be generated for multiple platforms.
loadPlatformsString(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Load a platforms JSON String so that advanced labels can be generated for multiple platforms.
loadToolchains(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Load a toolchains file so that default scripts can be generated.
loadToolchainsString(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Load a toolchains JSON String so that default scripts can be generated.
loadYamlString(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Load Jervis YAML to be interpreted.


matrixExcludeFilter() - Method in lifecycleGenerator
This function generates a Jenkins groovy expression from Jervis YAML which will be used to exclude matrix build combinations.
matrixGetAxisValue(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Get a value for a given axis for matrix building.




PIPELINE_SUPPORT - Field in WikiPages
A static reference to the pipeline support wiki page.
pipelineGenerator - Class in net.gleske.jervis.lang
This class offers helper forunctions for using Jervis in the context of a Jenkins pipeline global shared library.
pipelineGenerator(lifecycleGenerator) - Constructor in pipelineGenerator
Instantiates this class with a lifecycleGenerator which is used for helper functions when creating a pipeline job designed to support Jervis.
PipelineGeneratorException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A group of exceptions that are thrown when validation errors occur in the lifecycles file.
PipelineGeneratorException(String) - Constructor in PipelineGeneratorException
Throw a PipelineGeneratorException.
PlatformBadValueInKeyException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of PlatformValidationException which is thrown when there is a bad value in a platforms file key.
PlatformBadValueInKeyException(String) - Constructor in PlatformBadValueInKeyException
Throw an exception for a bad value in a key.
PlatformMissingKeyException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of PlatformValidationException which is thrown when a platforms file key is referenced but missing.
PlatformMissingKeyException(String) - Constructor in PlatformMissingKeyException
Throw an exception when platforms file key is referenced but missing.
PLATFORMS_SPEC - Field in WikiPages
A static reference to the platforms file spec wiki page.
PlatformValidationException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A group of exceptions that are thrown when validation errors occur in the platforms file.
PlatformValidationException(String) - Constructor in PlatformValidationException
Throw a PlatformValidationException
platformValidator - Class in net.gleske.jervis.lang
Validates the contents of a platforms file and provides quick access to supported platforms.
preloadYamlString(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Preload Jervis YAML for the purpose of loading lifecycles files for other platforms and operating systems.



ReadonlyTokenCredential - Trait in net.gleske.jervis.remotes.creds
A read only credential interface which partially implements TokenCredential.
rsaDecrypt(String) - Method in securityIO
Uses RSA asymetric encryption to decrypt a cipher text String and outputs plain text.
rsaEncrypt(String) - Method in securityIO
Uses RSA asymetric encryption to encrypt a plain text String and outputs cipher text.


SECURE_SECRETS - Field in WikiPages
A static reference to the secure secrets in repositories wiki page.
SecurityException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A group of exceptions that are thrown when security issues occur.
SecurityException(String) - Constructor in SecurityException
Throw a SecurityException.
securityIO - Class in net.gleske.jervis.tools
A class to provide cryptographic features to Jervis such as RSA encryption and base64 encoding.
securityIO(String) - Constructor in securityIO
Instantiates the class and configures a private key for decryption.
sendGQL(String, String, String, Map) - Method in GitHubGraphQL
A method for calling the GitHub v4 GraphQL API with a GraphQL query and variables.
setCollect_settings_defaults(Map) - Method in pipelineGenerator
This method merges Map m with the existing map collect_settings_defaults.
setCredential(TokenCredential) - Method in GitHub
setFolder_listing(List) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
This function sets the folder_listing and based on the listing conditionally sets lifecycle_key.
setGh_api(String) - Method in GitHub
Sets the gh_api property.
setGh_clone(String) - Method in GitHub
Sets the gh_clone property.
setGh_token(String) - Method in GitHub
Sets the token to be used by GitHub.
setGh_web(String) - Method in GitHub
Sets the gh_web and gh_api properties.
setId_rsa_keysize(int) - Method in securityIO
A noop which does nothing.
setKey_pair(String) - Method in securityIO
Sets key_pair by decoding the String.
setLabel_stability(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
This function sets the label_stability property.
setLabel_sudo(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
This function sets the label_sudo property.
setPrivateKey(String) - Method in lifecycleGenerator
Load an RSA private key in-memory rather than depending on a file existing on disk.
setStashmap_preprocessor(Map) - Method in pipelineGenerator
This filter ensures an admin only sets proper closures for the stashmap_processor.
setToken(String) - Method in GitHubGraphQL
Sets the token to be used by GitHub.
setToken(String) - Method in ReadonlyTokenCredential
Implemented to do nothing.
setToken(String) - Method in TokenCredential
When implemented, this method should set the value of the token in a credential service.
SimpleRestService - Class in net.gleske.jervis.remotes
A simple class which makes using REST services like the GitHub API really easy.
SimpleRestServiceSupport - Trait in net.gleske.jervis.remotes
REST service classes can derive some default implementation from this trait.
A static reference to the supported languages wiki page.
SUPPORTED_TOOLS - Field in WikiPages
A static reference to the supported tools wiki page.
supportedLanguage(String) - Method in lifecycleValidator
Checks to see if a language is a supported language based on the lifecycles file.
supportedLanguage(String) - Method in toolchainValidator
Checks to see if a language is a supported language based on the toolchains file.
supportedMatrix(String, String) - Method in toolchainValidator
Checks to see if a toolchain is a supported build matrix based on a specific language.
supportedTool(String, String) - Method in toolchainValidator
Check to see if a given tool is supported in the toolchain.
supportedToolchain(String) - Method in toolchainValidator
Checks to see if a value is a supported toolchain based on the toolchains file.


TokenCredential - Interface in net.gleske.jervis.remotes.interfaces
Abstracted token credential allows retrieving a token from an external credential store.
ToolchainBadValueInKeyException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of ToolchainValidationException which is thrown when there is a bad value in a toolchains file key.
ToolchainBadValueInKeyException(String) - Constructor in ToolchainBadValueInKeyException
Throw an exception for a bad value in a key.
ToolchainMissingKeyException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of ToolchainValidationException which is thrown when a toolchains file key is referenced but missing.
ToolchainMissingKeyException(String) - Constructor in ToolchainMissingKeyException
Throw an exception when toolchains file key is referenced but missing.
TOOLCHAINS_SPEC - Field in WikiPages
A static reference to the toolchains file spec wiki page.
toolchainType(String) - Method in toolchainValidator
Checks to see what type a toolchain is.
ToolchainValidationException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A group of exceptions that are thrown when validation errors occur in the toolchains file.
ToolchainValidationException(String) - Constructor in ToolchainValidationException
Throw a ToolchainValidationException
toolchainValidator - Class in net.gleske.jervis.lang
Validates the contents of a toolchains file and provides quick access to supported matrices.
toString() - Method in GitHub
Get a human readable string for this type of remote.
toString() - Method in JervisRemote
This method is used by Jervis to output friendly messages including the remote.


UnsupportedLanguageException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of GeneratorException which is thrown when an unsupported language lifecycle generation is attempted.
UnsupportedLanguageException(String) - Constructor in UnsupportedLanguageException
Throw an exception when an unsupported language lifecycle generation is attempted.
UnsupportedToolException - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A type of GeneratorException which is thrown when an unsupported language lifecycle generation is attempted.
UnsupportedToolException(String) - Constructor in UnsupportedToolException
Throw an exception when an unsupported tool generation is attempted.


validate_asBool() - Method in lifecycleValidator
Executes the validate() function but always returns a Boolean instead of throwing an exception upon failed validation.
validate_asBool() - Method in platformValidator
Executes the validate() function but always returns a Boolean instead of throwing an exception upon failed validation.
validate_asBool() - Method in toolchainValidator
Executes the validate() function but always returns a Boolean instead of throwing an exception upon failed validation.
validate() - Method in lifecycleValidator
Validates the lifecycles file.
validate() - Method in platformValidator
Validates the platforms file.
validate() - Method in toolchainValidator
Validates the toolchains file.


WikiPages - Class in net.gleske.jervis.exceptions
A simple class, whose only purpose is to house static strings referencing the Jervis wiki, to be used as helpful hints when throwing exceptions.





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